My Blog List

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Weekend update so far...

Happy Saturday! I wish every day of the week was like Saturday. I said yesterday at work that I think my struggle point will come on the weekends where I have time to sit around and eat. I am a boredom eater. I feel fairly good on how I did today. I attended Brad's cousin Marty's baby shower. She looks great. I had a good time catching up with family I haven't seen in about a year. Way too long. I was afraid of the food entering the shower. The Sontag family has some fabulous cooks in it. I was expecting hearty rich southern style food. I felt I did pretty good. I ate in moderation and tried to make wise choices. I figured out calories and I think I was generous in some calorie counts and it looks like I still only ate about 700 cal.

I left there and went to my parents house where my Aunt Shirley and Uncle Stan are visiting from NC. Dinner was...oh dear. It was manicotti, dinner rolls, salad and corn niblets. Man alive those rolls were sooooo good. I had 2 of them. Yikes. Dinner came up to about 1000 cal. ouch!

On a happy note I weighed myself while at my parents and according to my scale I am down to 300 lbs. so its looking like an 8lb. weight loss so far. I am jazzed. Only 132 more or so lbs. to lose.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Testing this bad boy out.

Well I have decided to do something that millions of other people are doing. I have started a Blog. With this Blog I am hoping to remain dedicated and on the task of losing weight and getting healthy. I guess I need some kind of accountability.

How bout some introductions?

I am Susan and am 31 years old wife to Brad(5/2002) and mother to Jonathan(3/2004). I like to read, scrapbook,sew and shop. I work as a Driver Supervisor for a trucking company. Obviously I like to eat otherwise I wouldn't be starting a Blog to track my weight loss journey.

My starting weight is:
*gulp* 308 lbs.

There it is in black and white. Its awful.

1st weigh in photo 9/23/2010

Goal weight is: 165 lbs. So I have over 140lbs. to lose or so.

I am an avid fan of the t.v. show " The Biggest Loser". Tuesday night when this season premiered, I sat there and everyone did their "starting weight" weigh in and I was like "Holy smokes! I weigh more than some of these people". Some by a good 60 or so lbs. Its time. I have made so many excuses and tried Weight Watchers twice in the past with moderate success. This time I am trying an App on my i-Touch that counts calories. Its called "Nutrition Menu". I'm not all that keen on seeing the calories as a whole as it can be a little daunting. With WW I had a certain amount of points each day. When eating it was like "'Oh this is ONLY 6 points" well when you ONLY get like 30 points a day and you just blew threw 6 in one item its kind of disappointing. Plus you got the extra 35 points a week so you could splurge. It worked for a while but it got old. I never really did exercise much either of those 2 times I tried it. I am hoping to incorporate exercise in with watching what I eat. You only get so far just eating right.

Well I rambled on more than I intended to do. I would like who ever is out there reading this to keep me encouraged and motivated. If you have your own journey you are on or success story or even helpful hints. I would like very much for you share them with me. No one can do this alone.

Please check back to see how I am doing. I think I will make my official weigh in day be Thursdays.
